Capability Details

  • Manufacturer: DMG MORI
  • System Type: Hybrid System
  • Description: CIMP-3D hosts one of the first DMG MORI hybrid manufacturing systems in the United States. This innovative system utilizes an automatic tool changer to selectively switch between a 2.5kW laser Directed Energy Deposition (DED) head for high-volume material buildup and milling tools for precision CNC machining. Built-in adaptive process control and process monitoring capabilities allow monitoring of the melt pool size and closed-loop control of laser power during deposition.

    The unique hybrid approach enables: the production of parts and repair of existing components to their final dimensional state in a single manufacturing process; the creation of unique features that would be inaccessible through traditional manufacturing processes; and more economical manufacturing of large workpieces that normally require significant stock removal. This system has deposition and machining envelope of approximately 25.6 inches in diameter and 16 inches in height with a maximum weight limit of 600 kg.